I sit in my office, stare out the window and wonder what I’m going to be when I grow up.

I took a Management Certification Course so my employer would let me become a boss and tell someone what to do for eight hours a day. They let me supervise this adorable 22 year old, fresh off the diploma podium with nothing but eagerness and positive responses to literally everything. She left for graduate school but we keep in touch; lunch and coffee dates and such, so I assume she liked/likes me. That or, she’s waiting for my letter of recommendation then she’ll block me on Instagram and stop replying to my “What’s your outside schedule today?” emails. She’s a lot smarter than I was at 22 and likes to ask that question adults who aren’t adulting well hate to be asked:


I’m 28 (-ish). I like to get through rush hour traffic so I can beat the stay-at-home moms to the return line at Target. I enjoy purging the DVR before there’s only 33% of space left. What really gets me going? When I get to buy a new container of Comet after I drop the almost empty one on a wet surface and it gets all soggy. I think working out is fun and being in bed by 9:00pm is flipping fantastic. Adult coloring books really tickle my fancy and a good fine-point pen can make a boring Tuesday seem super swell. I think podcasts about the creation of Excel spreadsheets are pretty legit. I get my kicks creating Excel spreadsheets. Sitting still, drinking wine out of a Riedel glass, and inhaling dark chocolate is fun. Just being able to sit still is fun if we’re getting serious.Coffee Cup

To avoid being the cloud on her sunny day, what I actually say to her when she asks what I do for fun is more along the lines of, “I like to travel, find new restaurants, stay active, and play with my dog.” Ugh… the ultimate generic adult response. Like I said, she still wants to hang out and asks me to teach her yoga when I open my studio. I don’t remember telling her I wanted to open a yoga studio but I wouldn’t mind becoming a SPINstructor. I even put my spin class playlists in an Excel spreadsheet so if that day comes, I’m totally prepared. In case you’re wondering, Cher’s “If I Could Turn Back Time” is my first uphill tune, preferably at a level 15, out of the saddle.Spin Class

Cheers to Tuesday!



  1. Jessica, you are such a hoot!!! Your use of the English language is a real treat. But, I must say, your mind is the best. I think your really growing up. ________________________________

  2. Jessica, just reread this blog, it is fantastic. You see and get so much out of life more than most of your peers. Your heart is amazing and I love your for way of communicating all of this to us.

    Hope all is well, hope your new job, position, more responsibility, etc is going swimmingly.

    Still waiting for my passport/card. I just love working with the government!!! They all are so informed and speedy. What a trip!!!

    Be careful with your metal straws!!! How about the lady that fell and it killed her. ________________________________

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